Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Picture This

Picture This (Or don't, because I've pictured it for you.)

If your cursor is over this image and you found this piece of text, then clearly you have too much time on your hands or you got lucky, I hope it's the latter
Now not a broken image because apparently Google Drive Image URLs don't like Blogger

     My drawing is NOT as you might presume, somebody falling from a cliff while being impaled by a something, its ACTUALLY a person climbing UP a cliff to a tree with red (Red for apples) letters saying "Change". Now then, in my book memoir: The Wild Truth by Carine McCandless, Carine reiterates many times in the second half of the book about the concept of change and the receptiveness of the people subject to it. She described change as something that essentially comes only when people TRULY want to change. I depicted this through a cliff with a tree, symbolizing a new life or a change for a better, at the top. On the side of the cliff, there's a rope climber trying to reach change, symbolizing how change doesn't just "come" to somebody like gift at your Christmas(?) doorstep. Instead, it shows how change is actually something that you must truly want and are willing to work for it in order for it to happen.

     In my book Carine observes this "behavior" of change multiple times, but one of the most notable times she talks about this is where she talks about her husband, Fish, and how he became a meth addict and how she ended up arguing with him about it, she recalls how "Fish pointed out our extreme differences on the matter at hand. I was against any drug use, even the occasional pot smoking. He said that my standards were tough to live up to." (McCandless 167) She then points out that she was always like that and how she doesn't understand why Fish would then marry her. In response, Fish replies how he "'thought you would fix me.'"(McCandless 167), McCandless recalls how Fish's response made her "feel like I'd been cheated. I didn't enter into our marriage with the intention of changing him... Besides, I already knew that change doesn't come to someone who doesn't really want it." (McCandless 167)

     Change is not something that will come all because you become wishy washy for it. Change is something that you have to work for, something that you'll inevitably somehow suffer (Pessimism all the way) while trying to bring about change, but change is something that could be considered a crucial instrument for survival. Change is what keeps us human as a whole and not some mindless machines operating on some schedule.

     But enough philosophy about change today, you people probably have something better to do than read me ramble about change, (Unless you're grading this paper thingymabob, sorry!) so go on, find something better to do then.

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