Friday, October 9, 2015

1st Quarter Poetry Journal Reflection


The creature awakes
Long before the sun has revealed her form
To roam and stalk his territory
Eyes wide and black like onyxs
He lurks and watches
The fool gets up and is greeted by this creature
Who endlessly pesters for food until the fool departs
Annoyed and irritated, the creature slinks in the dark corners of its currently dark territory
The sun reveals herself, and in her light
The creature relaxes his muscles
The creature sinks into his perch, his tower, slumbering, and
Bathes in the sun's brilliance
As the Sun fades and ebbs away
The creature awakes

One of the few poems I ACTUALLY like, if only because writing poetry does not come naturally for me, when it comes to poetry, words just don't naturally "come" to me, but this poem came really easily to me, I guess it's because I wrote the poem based off of my cat, Remy:
I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of Remy, and to the Cat Dictatorship, for which it stands, One World, Under Remy, indivisible with as much food as possible for Remy

Every day, when I get up, I'm always greeted by Remy, who proceeds to constantly pester me over the morning for food.... even though I never feed him (If I feed him, then he tricks my Dad into feeding him as well, and he just becomes very flabby) Anyways, I wrote my poem based of his typical behavior in his day, which as you can see, consists of him waking pestering for food, eating (Not actually mentioned in the poem, but common sense SHOULD dictate that he's fed) and then sleeping. The perch I mentioned in the poem references his little "cat tower" that he always perches on and sun bathes in.
A rare moment where he's actually NOT sleeping on his tower
Anyways, as I wrap up this (admittedly short) reflection, I'd just want to end off with the fact that I really need to figure out another way to write poetry, because the rest of my poems are just cringe worthy bad.


  1. I'm enjoying the fish, oh yeah and nice poems :)

  2. this was a great read. remy sounds like an awesome cat

  3. Nice poem Tom. The imagery was very good and I could visualize Remy. Despite already knowing perfectly what Remy looks like.

  4. Even before I looked at the picture I could picture Remy because of your great imagery and description.

  5. I really liked how you included the picture of you cat. Not only does it reinforce the poem and provide an engaging visual, IT'S SSSSSSOOOOOOO FREAKING CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Starts freaking out and flapping arms like person who belongs in asylum)
