Thursday, January 7, 2016

Things I Learned Last Year: A Poem in Cheesy Rhetoric

Things I Learned Last Year 

(With extra commentary in parenthesis to alleviate cheesiness)

Music is as much a part
of me as is my brain

Marching Band is not
as bad as one thinks
(No matter how much I make it seem so)

Even when trying
to imitate a poem
I completely utterly
fail at poetry

Emotions cannot be
restrained forever

One cannot avoid their fear forever
One must eventually face them
(Counterexample: My arachnophobia)

Sometime, Somewhere
When I die, I want to die
With a smile, content
With my life

(... Why does my poem look like a down arrow? Or maybe a radish. Or a someone wearing a Top Hat with a chin beard.)

Every time I stare into this poem, a little part of my soul dies on the inside. It's just so... cheesy. I mean, all it really is a bunch of empty optimistic rhetoric that makes only a slightest bit of sense to me and (probably) no sense at all to anyone else. Really, I just added the commentary thing just so I can dilute the cheesiness with humor. Everything's better with humor, except for when it's not, then its just stupid. (It's or its?)

In a more serious sense though, I feel like last year was actually an year where I felt like for the first time since never where I felt like I actually had a vision of where I would be in the next 10 years. (Now then, I always knew where I would be in a 100 years but let's not go there, shall we?)

I modeled my poem in the same way I-forgot-his-name-and-I'm-too-tired-too-look-it-up's poem where the first 2 stanzas share some theme (For me, music) the 3rd stanza is completely different in style, shape, and tone (For my 3rd stanza, it takes a more casual, self-aware, self-depreciating tone) while the next 2 stanzas share a theme as well (Emotions) though in the case of those stanzas, I purposefully made them vague because, I don't know, reasons that I'll keep vague because vagueness.

Then the final stanza is similar to I'm-still-drawing-a-blank-on-his-name's final stanza where both stanzas are about what the author would want when they die. Finally, I decided to add a bit of my own little style in the form of the totally not obtrusive commentary, simply because I like to keep things light-hearted.

For those who were like "tl;dr" (Too long, didn't read) (I'm sorry, this could've been more useful before the reflection paragraph)

Too much cheese. I add humor. Streotypical "I have a purpose in life" speech. Poem modeled after I'm-probably-the-reason-the-reflection-was-too-long-because-Tom-just-wants-to-get-this-over-with-so-he-could-sleep's poem by stanza and stuff.