Friday, August 21, 2015

Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud

"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud."
Maya Angelou

    Maya Angelou was a African American Poet (You can find more information here) and was a civil rights activists who recently passed away (5/14/2014 to be exact), while she was living she was a strong civil rights activist and was one of the first African American Woman to write a memoir (She's written a couple, but the most famous one is I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings) 

    This quote showcases a philosophy that pessimists might scoff at (Sorry, pessimists out there!) But in all seriousness if you think about it, we've all had our bad days where we've gotten up from the wrong side of the bed (I have no idea where the heck that metaphor came from, is the wrong side of the bed THAT bad?) and just had a generally bad day. But even if you had a bad day, that doesn't mean everyone else does, (Somebody should give me the probability of that, I'm curious now) and that works vice versa, all because you're having a good day, doesn't mean that everyone else is.

  By I'm pretty sure you know what I'm getting at by now: Sometimes there will just be someone you know (Friend, Family, Acquaintance, Anthropomorphic Talking Animal) that is just having a bad day for some reason, and it might just be worth it just try and be that "rainbow" in their "cloud" (Man, that sounded so cliche) The sound of people laughing (hopefully with you and not at you) or just the look of somebody smiling (Assuming it's not some creepy smile) makes the effort of being their "rainbow" worth it, after all, admit it, there was a time when you had a bad day and just somebody made you smile. (Or maybe you just watched a hilariously bad scene- I'm not one to judge) So try to do your best to simply brighten other people's days, people will (hopefully) return the favor when you're down.

   (P.S (Also known as Post Script (Though that makes no sense whatsoever since it's typically after a letter or something, and never after a script)) Here's a random picture from Marching Band Rehearsal (Yes, I know: That's the wrong way to wear a bandanna but hey: It provides minor (EXTREMELY minor) protection from the sun!)

Man I look so weird in that picture.